Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Classes are in full swing now. Since this is my last semester at BBC before student teaching my class load is full and intense with finishing the state requirements and...orals. Oh side note, on Monday we spent class time on Christology, I had no idea Christology could be so boring. I was truly sad.
After having a random (meaning I am not sure what caused it) food reactions that kept me in bed all day last Tuesday, I went to see the nurse. With an emotional explanation of my physical problems she concluded that it would be best if I went to see a doctor. I was following a gluten, dairy and soy free diet and could not think of anything else that I should cut out. I now have a doctor's appointment on September 25.
By doing several "home tests" (trial and error) I have found that I have problems with lactose, not casein. Casein is the protein in milk much like gluten is the protein in wheat. Some celiacs have problems with casein because their bodies can't tell the difference in the proteins. Lactose is the sugar in milk and the body requires the enzyme lactase for digestion. For some reason a person might stop producing the enzyme or not produce as much as needed. Lactose is less severe, casein means all dairy products are forbidden, and with lactose, dairy is not totally ruled out. Next, I after staying away from soy for 2 weeks I tried it again. I am finding that I am not intolerant to it just sensitive. Mostly it gives me a queasy stomach and nausea. But I can consume it in moderation. This was a relief because soy is in everything!
So now I feel normal again and don't have nearly as many problems as I was facing over the summer. I am still planning on going to the doctor even though I am 'better'. Today was a rough day...sad because sometimes products don't always list if the food item came into contact with wheat. Thankfully the FDA is changing some of their standards to make things a little more kosher (gluten wise)!
I also received my placement for student teaching last night. My first experience will be in Harrisburg at Bible Baptist Christian School (Dan and Janelle Francis are there). I will be teaching 1st grade. My next placement is at Clarks Summit Elementary teaching 3rd grade. Now that student teaching is fast approaching I am looking forward to it. I have been convicted to pray for my students, that I will learn to love them and that I can be an effective teacher.

1 comment:

Josh Huff said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Hopefully it wasn't the teaching that gave you a sour stomach. Maybe you should try cutting teachers that make Christ boring out of your diet. That might do the trick. But then you might not graduate. Oh well, the price you pay for a diploma. You are in mine and Moriah's prayers.